Jan 3, 2023 *
Each creative idea that comes to you from your soul, has potential to become your next project. Be conscious and aware. Plant the seed in fertile soil and watch it sprout. The more attention you give it, the more potential it has to bear bountiful fruit.
Jan 4, 2023 *
You are not interested in living the ordinary life. You’re looking for a breakthrough, innovative movement and yet ordinary life still plagues you. What can you do? Breakthroughs begin with an inner shift. Change your routine, relying on your intuition. Make a leap of faith and the true you will reveal herself. Then the breakthrough you are looking for, can manifest itself.
Jan 5, 2023 *
Transformation isn’t as hard as you might think. Start by converting your heavy energy into light, with the help of Pachamama and your intention. Soften what is hard, loosen what is tight. Recall what irritation feels like in your body, the tension it creates, and what happens when you turn your scowl into a smile. That’s transformation. The more you practice it, the better prepared you will be when the opportunity for grander transformation presents itself.
Jan 6, 2023 *
A wonderful tool to use when things don’t seem to be going your way, is adaptability. When you can adapt yourself to whatever might be happening around you, you have the ability to see another way, other possibilities. Life offers an endless supply of opportunities for growth and expansion. By adapting to your current circumstances, you are empowered to create alternatives.
Jan 7, 2023
As much as there is ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ in this spiraling corkscrew of life, looking forward from the here and now, offers healing to the past and a clear vision for the future. When your physical body is injured, it doesn’t look back. Every cell goes into high gear to heal and repair the wound with their innate abilities to restore the flesh and bone, in its time, in its way. Trust the healing – physical and emotional- is moving forward even if it doesn’t always seem so.
Jan 8, 2023
Each morning when you awake, a new day awaits you. Choose to encounter the unknown open-hearted and free. By consciously breaking your routine, you invite new adventures and unexpected possibilities for you to experience the magic of life. Serendipity and coincidence bubble up around you if you are paying attention. Your guides and fairies are happy to show you the way. Look for them.
Jan 9, 2023 *
Someone did something you think was wrong. You want to forgive them but you can’t stop fretting about it. Look inside yourself for the one who thinks she should have prevented what happened, the part that lost control. Comfort that part of yourself. Recognize her. Then remind her that controlling other people’s behavior is doomed to fail. No amount of forethought and planning can prevent ‘bad’ things from happening. Remember you are not the sole gatekeeper of life. There exist benevolent forces of creation looking after you. When something hurts or angers you, lean on them.
Jan 10, 2023 *
When you feel lost, not sure what the next steps might be, find comfort in the not knowing, the dawning of the yet to be. It has its own pleasure, to float in the unknown. Embark on the adventure of discovery or simply revel in the mystery of confusion, of not yet clear. Recognize its value.
Jan 11, 2023 *
Hidden inside you is a treasure chest of mysteries waiting for you to open it. The path of discovery cannot be accessed with your conscious mind, for it is too small to hold this ancient and timeless wisdom. You can find this treasure with your intuition and perception in deep meditation, in your quiet time and your dream time. This code is the key to enter the mystery. Use it well.
Jan 12, 2023 *
Sometimes it feels like you are floating on the surface of life, nothing profound happening, nothing significant. You want more but you’re at a loss for what you can do to make it different. This is the time to lay on the ground and imagine your roots going down into the earth. Delve deep there to discover the answer to your quandary. All the nature spirits and Pachamama will show you the way if you ask them.